Tweetlogix 2.0 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 2.0 has arrived with universal support for iPad and iPhone! This update has been a long time in the making and I’m happy to release it as one universal app. Thanks to everyone who has helped make Tweetlogix successful. Enjoy Tweetlogix on iPad.
Note that Twitter will begin changing to their new 1.1 API on March 5th. Tweetlogix 2.0 is ready for this change. Please be sure to upgrade to Tweetlogix 2.0 prior to March 5th. Earlier Tweetlogix versions will no longer function after Twitter completes its API changes.
New Features and Improvements
- Universal support for iPad and iPhone
- Equivalent feature set for all iOS devices
- Easily import iOS Twitter accounts
- Expand iPad web view to screen width
- Improved web view design
- Open in Chrome web view action
- Improved VoiceOver for iPad and iPhone
- Theme Designer support for iPad side bar colors
- Additional system-provided theme
- Improved tool bar design for tweets
- New timeline home button
- Support for Twitter 1.1 API
- Twitter 1.1 rate limit view (Profile > Twitter Rate Limits)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed problem computing remaining chars in Compose view
- Fixed problem expanding long retweets
- Fixed double-tap return home from Profile > Tweets
Changes for Twitter Display Requirements and Terms of Service
- Removed user display name setting
- Retweet action is disabled for tweets posted by protected Twitter users
- Photo and video sharing actions are disabled when composing direct messages
Note that the Twitter 1.1 API introduces changes in Twitter rate limiting. Previously, Twitter permitted each user to perform up to 350 operations per hour. With Twitter 1.1, the rate limit varies depending upon the type of operation being performed and resets every 15 minutes. For example, Twitter now permits 15 home timeline refreshes every 15 minutes.
You can monitor your Twitter rate limits by navigating to Profile > Twitter Rate Limits. A new setting is also provided if you prefer to disable rate limit error reporting. To help reduce the likelihood of exceeding Twitter 1.1 rate limits, the minimum auto refresh interval has been increased to 5 minutes.
Also note that Twitter’s 1.1 API no longer supports “Retweets to Me” and “Retweets by Me” which were previously available in My Profile. An alternative way to find retweets posted by yourself is to navigate to Profile > Tweets where you can find all of your tweets and retweets.