Tweetlogix URL Scheme
Tweetlogix can be launched using the tweetlogix:// protocol. The following URL scheme is supported:
Opens Tweetlogix without directing the app to any specific view.
Opens Tweetlogix and displays the home timeline view. An optional username parameter may be supplied to identify the screen name of the account to activate.
For example:
Opens Tweetlogix and displays the mentions view. An optional username parameter may be supplied to identify the screen name of the account to activate.
For example:
Opens Tweetlogix and displays the direct messages timeline view. An optional username parameter may be supplied to identify the screen name of the account to activate.
For example:
Opens Tweetlogix and displays the compose view. A text parameter is required, containing the text of the composed tweet. An optional username parameter may be supplied to identify the screen name of the account from which the tweet will be sent.
For example:
Tweetlogix will automatically invoke a refresh when the home, mentions, or messages views are displayed through a URL invocation.
If the username parameter is unspecified, Tweetlogix will display the home, mentions, or messages view of the currently active account. If no account is active, it will default to the first account listed in your Accounts view.
Note that it is correct for these URLs to contain three slashes (such as tweetlogix:///). This indicates that the host portion of the URL is empty.