Tweetlogix 1.9.4 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 1.9.4 is available now in the App Store. Here’s what’s new:
- Added retweet filter for Mentions (see More > Filters > Retweets)
- Fixed problems refreshing favorites
- Fixed possible crash when navigating between views
- Fixed remaining char counts when composing tweets containing financial symbol links
- Fixed problem causing timeline title button to stop working
Tweetlogix 1.9.3 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 1.9.3 is available now in the App Store. This is a small maintenance update, primarily for compatibility with Twitter’s upcoming May 14th API changes. Please be sure to install this update before May 14th. Earlier versions of Tweetlogix will no longer function completely on that date.
Changes in This Update
- Updated app for compatibility with Twitter’s May 14th API changes
- Removed Public Timeline (Twitter will no longer support the non-streaming public timeline on May 14th)
- Fixed remaining character count when composing tweets containing links
- Renamed Read it Later to Pocket
Tweetlogix 1.9.2 Available in the App Store
Tweetlogix 1.9.2 is available now in the App Store. This is a small maintenance update which includes the following bug fixes:
- Fixed problem causing some muted tweets to appear in timeline
- Fixed possible crash while refreshing timelines
Tweetlogix 1.9.1 Available in the App Store
Tweetlogix 1.9.1 is available now in the App Store. Thanks to everyone for your feedback!
New Features and Changes
- Hidden Tweets link is now optional (Settings > Filters)
- Retweet filters for home timeline and lists (More > Filters > Retweets)
- Mute, Block, & Report Spam actions now in swipe menu and detail view
- Report Spam now in user tap-hold menu
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed problem detecting timeline gaps
- Fixed problem where activity indicator may continue after filling a gap
- Fixed problem where Hidden Tweets link may incorrectly disappear
- Note that the Mute Client action has been moved to the toolbar from its previous location as a textual link.
Tweetlogix 1.9 Available in the App Store
Tweetlogix 1.9 is available now in the App Store. Here’s what’s new:
Improved Filtering
- Navigate to muted tweets from your timelines
- Faster keyword filtering
- Background processing of filters
- Whole word and location options for muted keywords or phrases
Customizable Timeline
- Select a List or Saved Search as your main timeline
Improved Lists
- Retweets now included in lists
- List view now offers compose tweet, add list member, and follow/unfollow list actions
- Support for @username/listname links
- Last active list is now retained after changing tabs
- Other Enhancements
- Support for Readability Mobilizer
- Saved Search timelines now support caching and gap detection
- Theme Designer now offers a separate color choice for mentions background
Bug Fixes
- Fixed problem where tweet mark could incorrectly appear on a user timeline
- Fixed problem causing list badge to possibly become negative
- Fixed filtering problem for tweets located directly above a gap
- Fixed problem causing lists view to be limited to 20 subscribed lists
- Note that the new whole word and location options for muted keywords have replaced the prior regular expression option.
If you have existing regular expression keywords using ^ (start) or \b (word boundary), these will be converted automatically to the new options.
Tweetlogix 1.8.1 Available in the App Store
Tweetlogix 1.8.1 is available now in the App Store. Thanks to everyone for your feedback! Here’s what’s new:
- Support for muting clients (tap Mute beside client name in detailed tweet view)
- Readability support for saving links
- Pinboard support for saving links
- Instapaper links now use tweet text as description
- Copy Link action when tapping tweet in detail view
- Email action when tapping-and-holding links
- Changed image viewer button positions
- Double-tap image viewer title bar to return home
Bug Fixes
- Fixed image viewer zoom problem
- Fixed problem loading Yfrog image previews
- Fixed problem causing mentions badge to be incorrectly reset
- For more information about Tweetlogix, checkout our FAQ.
Tweetlogix 1.8 Available in the App Store
Tweetlogix 1.8 is available now in the App Store. Here’s what’s new:
- Tweet Marker synchronization (See Settings > Services > Synchronize to enable) Learn more about Tweet Marker.
- Support for uploading to Twitter’s image service
- Improved image viewer with full screen support
- Block User and Report Spam now remove cached tweets
- Drafts are now sorted by modified date
- Support for unwrapping in DMs
Note that Tweet Marker support requires an iOS device capable of multitasking. This feature is not supported for iPhone 3G or 2nd generation iPod touch devices.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed problem restoring Nearby Tweets tab selection
- Fixed problem causing lists to be mis-ordered
- Fixed problem replying to your own tweets
- Fixed problem causing duplicate recent hashtags
- Fixed problem causing web view to change page after activating mobilizer
For more information about Tweetlogix, checkout our FAQ.
How to fix Authentication with iOS 5
Some users have reported a “Could not authenticate you” error after upgrading to iOS 5. Apparently the Twitter OAuth token which we store in Apple’s secure iOS keychain is not migrating properly to iOS 5.
To fix this problem, follow these steps:
Tweetlogix will automatically detect that your account exists and will re-authenticate the existing account. You will need to repeat this for each of your accounts.
Sorry about this inconvenience. I’ll be looking more into the cause of the problem.
Tweetlogix 1.7 Available in the App Store
Tweetlogix 1.7 is now available in the App Store. This update introduces a new Theme Designer! You can now design your own Tweetlogix color themes and share them with your friends. Sharing themes is as simple as sending a tweet. Hope you enjoy it!
- Design your own Tweetlogix color themes
- Share color themes with your friends - tweet or email themes
- Import color themes by tapping theme links in tweets
Bug fixes
- Fixed keyword filtering to handle display names
- Fixed unwrapping in conversations
- Fixed potential crash when editing Short URL settings
- Fixed problem expanding long tweets
- Compatibility fix for Twitter’s upcoming trend API changes
For more information about Tweetlogix, checkout our new FAQ.

Tweetlogix Anniversary & New Theme Designer
This week marks the one year anniversary of Tweetlogix entering the App Store! Thanks so much to all our customers who have helped make this product a success.
The upcoming Tweetlogix 1.7 update was submitted yesterday and is awaiting App Store approval. This special update introduces a new Tweetlogix Theme Designer! The Theme Designer makes it easy for you to design your own themes and share them with your friends. Sharing themes is as simple as sending a tweet. Simply tap a theme link in your timeline to preview and import the theme. Hope you enjoy it!