Tweetlogix 2.5.1 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 2.5.1 is available now in the App Store. This is a very small update which fixes two issues:
- Fixed incorrect display of detailed tweet view when navigating to some links
- Fixed problem causing some tweets to display invalid location maps
Some users have also asked about support for displaying Twitter animated GIFs. Currently, Twitter has not yet updated their API to enable 3rd party apps to display GIFs. However, Twitter has recently commented in their developer forum that API support for GIFs is coming soon. I’m planning to develop support for displaying GIFs in Tweetlogix as soon as Twitter releases API support for them.
Tweetlogix 2.5 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 2.5 is available now in the App Store. Among the new features is support for the iOS 8 Sharing Sheet, viewing and uploading of Twitter header images, and avatar shape options.
Thanks to everyone who has sent us feedback and bug reports. We wish everyone a happy holiday and new year!
New Features and ImprovementsPermalink
- Support for iOS 8 Sharing Sheet
- Twitter header images now displayed in user profiles
- Upload your own Twitter header image (See Profile > Edit)
- Options for round, square, or rounded-square avatars (See Settings > Display)
- Web view on iPad is now always displayed as a full width view
- Web view on iPad can be closed with a two-finger swipe down gesture
- Navigating into tweet links now displays detailed tweet view
- Users are now removed from Recent Users list when blocked or reported as spam
Bug FixesPermalink
- Fixed problem displaying some action confirmations on iPad
- Fixed problem deleting keyword filters
Tweetlogix 2.4.1 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 2.4.1 is available now in the App Store. This is a small bug fix update, including a fix for the problem causing some tweets to be incorrectly saved to drafts. If you have existing drafts that were incorrectly saved by the previous version of Tweetlogix, you will need to manually delete them. Thanks to everyone who reported these issues.
Also note that Twitpic is currently shutting down. If you were previously using Twitpic as your image service, see this post for instructions explaining how to select a different image service. In the next update, Twitpic will be removed as an image service option.
Changes in this UpdatePermalink
- Fixed problem causing some sent or discarded tweets to be saved as drafts
- Fixed problem displaying “Tweet Sent Successfully” message
- Fixed problem dismissing images with swipe-down gesture
- Fixed layout issue when iOS in-call status bar is displayed
- Fixed possible title text overlap in tweets
Twitpic is Shutting Down
Twitpic announced this week that they will be shutting down their service. It appears that Twitpic’s upload API has already been shut down and is now reporting errors when uploading images. If you were previously using Twitpic as your image service, you’ll need to select a different image service in Tweetlogix Settings.
To select a different image service:Permalink
Note that yfrog is also currently experiencing server-side upload issues, so you will not want to choose that option either.
Tweetlogix 2.4 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 2.4 is available now in the App Store. This update adds support for iOS 8, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus, along with a number of other great new features. Thanks to everyone who helped beta test this release.
Among the new features is an improved detailed tweet view with integrated reply search, along with Favorited and Retweeted buttons. This update also introduces options for Small, Medium, and Large sized inline images, which you can configure in Tweetlogix Settings.
New FeaturesPermalink
- Support for iOS 8, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus
- Improved detailed tweet view with integrated reply search (pull down for replies)
- Improved detailed tweet view with Favorited and Retweeted buttons
- Medium and Large inline image options (See Settings > Display > Inline Images)
- Support for displaying multiple Twitter images in tweets
- Support for sending tweets with multiple Twitter image attachments
- Settings for uploaded image size (See Settings > Services > Media > Images)
- Ability to mute retweets in search results (See Filters > Muted Retweets)
- Video play symbol displayed for inline YouTube image previews
- Sharing action now offers an option to copy tweet link
- Tap-hold action for links now offers an Open in Safari action
- Settings for device auto locking (See Settings > Advanced > Auto Lock)
Note that Twitter does not yet provide multiple images in streaming or search results.
Bug FixesPermalink
- Fixed problem maintaining scroll position after rotation
- Fixed problem displaying location map from user profiles
- Fixed incorrect tab bar colors after importing a theme
- Fixed problem displaying Flickr inline images
- Fixed incorrect music links added in compose view
- Fixed possible crash when changing tabs or clearing cache on iPad
- Fixed sidebar layout problem when image viewer is closed on iPad
Note that there is a minor layout issue when the iPhone in-call status bar is displayed. This issue will be resolved in the next update. Please let me know if you notice any other issues with the update.

Tweetlogix 2.3.1 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 2.3.1 is available now in the App Store. Here’s what’s new:
- Support for displaying Twitter images in DMs (Note that Twitter has not yet added support for uploading DM images from 3rd party apps)
- Fixed possible crash receiving DMs while streaming
- Fixed problem opening financial symbol links
- Fixed status bar text color for some themes
- Fixed navigation bar colors when emailing tweets
- Fixed key-repeat interruption when deleting characters in compose view
- VoiceOver improvements
Tweetlogix 2.3 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 2.3 is available now in the App Store. Here’s what’s new:
- Mute individual user retweets in timeline, lists, and search
- Optional background refresh for mentions and messages (requires iOS 7)
- Save links to Safari Reading List (requires iOS 7)
- Translucency of navigation and tab bars in iOS 7 is now optional
- Drafts view now offers action to send all drafts
- Improved display of web links in profile descriptions
- Optional confirmation when posting tweets (Settings > Advanced > Actions)
- Changed image viewer button colors in iOS 7
To enable background refresh, see Settings > Refresh > Background Refresh. For more details about this feature, see this FAQ.
Bug fixesPermalink
- Fixed possible crash returning to detailed tweet view with location map
- Fixed incorrect status bar color after closing image viewer on iPad
- Fixed reversed Mentions and Your Tweets colors in Theme Designer
- Fixed incorrectly repeated user search results
- Fixed scroll indicator positioning on iOS 7
- Fixed keyboard flicker after canceling compose view on iOS 7
- Fixed text alignment in More view
Tweetlogix 2.2 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 2.2 is available now in the App Store. Tweetlogix is now thoroughly updated for iOS 7!
- New iOS 7 look and feel
- New iOS 7 style icons
- New app icon
- Improved color theme support for iOS 7

Tweetlogix 2.1.2 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 2.1.2 is available now in the App Store. Here’s what’s changed:
- Fixed problems uploading image/video attachments
- Fixed crash opening Maps from Compose view
Note that there is still a known issue uploading to the Twitgoo image service. This appears to be a problem on their side. If you were previously using Twitgoo, you will need to select a different image service in Tweetlogix settings (see Settings > Services > Media).
Tweetlogix 2.1.1 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 2.1.1 is available now in the App Store. Here’s what’s changed:
- Fixed problem causing some retweets to incorrectly appear in timeline and mentions while streaming
- Fixed filter scope problem while streaming
- Fixed problem updating timeline badge
- Fixed client muting for retweets
- Fixed problem attaching videos in iPad compose view
- Enabled looping for Vine video playback