Tweetlogix 1.6.1 Available in the App Store
Tweetlogix 1.6.1 is available now in the App Store. This is a small update which includes a fix for the recent problem expanding wrapped TwitLonger links.
New Features
- New app badge settings (see Settings > Badges)
- New setting to always enable link wrapping (see Settings > URL Shortening)
- Show Rate Limit now displays time until reset
Bug fixes
- Fixed problem expanding wrapped TwitLonger links
- Fixed saving of badges when app is shutdown
- Fixed pulldown refresh in Lists Following view
- Fixed Lists Following view to load multiple pages
- Fixed username completion after changing accounts in Compose view
For more information about Tweetlogix, checkout our new FAQ.
Tweetlogix 1.6 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 1.6. is available now in the App Store. Thanks to everyone for your feedback!
New Features and Improvements
- Home and List timeline badges
- Scroll to mark tweets read
- Search to find unread tweets (double-tap Timeline/Mentions)
- Customize Mark Read behavior in settings
- Enable or disable badges in settings
- Sound effects for new tweets, mentions, messages, and sent events
- Sound effect settings
- Switch accounts in Compose view
- Inline previews of Twitter-hosted images
- Find Replies to tweets
- New Search button to Find Replies or Find Retweeters
- Full unwrapping with use of URL display names
- Read It Later tweet attribution
- Settings to auto-refresh active account or all accounts
- Settings to enable confirms for retweet & add favorite actions
- Customize mentions update size in settings
- My Profile view now includes Select List Memberships action
- Improvements to reduce interruptions when updating timelines
- Improved timeline and tweet caching
Bug fixes
- Fixed swipe delete for DMs
- Fixed centering of multiline titles
- Fixed problem expanding twtmore content
- Fixed problem creating new lists
- Fixed restore of Mentions timeline scroll position
- Fixed background color problem in detailed tweet view
- Fixed problem removing previously deleted DMs
Twitter Permission Levels
If you haven’t heard, Twitter recently announced changes affecting authentication and permission levels for third-party Twitter apps. To access Direct Messages, all third-party apps are now required to use Twitter’s web-based OAuth login page. Twitter is also requiring users to “reauthorize” existing account logins prior to June 30th. Reauthorizing will grant permission for the app to access direct messages.
The new Tweetlogix 1.5.1 update is ready for this change. After installing 1.5.1, you’ll find blue Reauthorize buttons in the Accounts view for each of your accounts. Tapping Reauthorize will open Twitter’s web-based login page. Enter your login credentials and tap Authorize. The Reauthorize button will disappear after your account is successfully reauthorized. This process must be repeated for each account.
Please reauthorize your accounts prior to June 30th, otherwise you will lose access to direct messages from the app on June 30th and Twitter will report errors.
If you use Tweetlogix with multiple devices, you must upgrade all devices to 1.5.1. After reauthorizing your accounts, devices using older Tweetlogix versions will report OAuth login errors.

Tweetlogix 1.5.1 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 1.5.1 is available now in the App Store. Thanks to everyone for your feedback!
Note that Twitter will be enforcing new account permission levels beginning June 30th. Please upgrade to this version and reauthorize existing accounts prior to that date. Tap the blue Reauthorize button in Accounts view. For more information, see Twitter Permission Levels.
New Features and Improvements
- Twitter OAuth web flow login (now required by Twitter for DM access)
- Reauthorize button in Accounts view. Please reauthorize existing accounts prior to June 30th.
- Support for Mobypicture image and video uploading
- Support for image uploading
- Access drafts within compose view
- Pulldown refresh displays last update time
- Lists view offers customization of list order
- Delete or unsubscribe in Lists view
- Search bar remembers previous search text
- Comment and Retweet inserts leading space
- Revised icons in compose toolbar
- Indicator icons in tweets sized proportionately for smaller fonts
Bug fixes
- Fixed translation for devices set to British English language
- Fixed titlebar double-tap to no longer invoke a timeline refresh
- Fixed problem expanding invalid long tweet links
- Fixed retweet overlay icon positioning in detailed tweet view
- Fixed error handling when blocking/unblocking users
- Fixed delete action for previously deleted tweets
- Fixed handling of links ending with asterisks
- Fixed lag when resetting pulldown refresh
Tweetlogix 1.5 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 1.5 is available now in the App Store. Thanks to everyone for your feedback! Thanks also to our team of beta testers who have testing this release for more than a week.
New Features and Improvements
- Auto-completion of usernames and hashtags in compose view
- Pull down compose view to see reply-to tweet
- Swipe any tweet for advanced toolbar
- Hashtag and keyword muting
- Regular-expression based keyword muting
- Mute hashtags by tapping-and-holding hashtag links
- Mute users by tapping-and-holding user links
- User and keyword muting supported in search timelines
- Local trends with definitions
- Find nearby trend locations using location services, or browse countries and cities
- Retweet actions now accessible from separate toolbar button
- Favstar action now links directly to Favstar recent page
- Swipe action to delete individual saved searches
- Read it Later now uses full link and title when invoked from web view
- New setting to disable inline photo previews
- New security settings
- New refresh on wake settings
- Scroll position maintained when rotating timeline or message views
- Changed Plixi image service to Lockerz
- Retweeters view now shows user count in title
- Improvements to reduce memory usage
- Improvements to reduce UI interruption when updating timeline
Bug fixes
- Fixed failure displaying followers/following lists with Arabic region formats
- Fixed crash when adding a muted user using people search
- Fixed clipped inline images for some retweets
Tweetlogix 1.4.1 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 1.4.1 is available now in the App Store. Thanks to everyone for your feedback! Thanks also to our fantastic group of beta testers.
This is primarily a maintenance update, though we’ve also included a number of smaller enhancements.
Here’s what’s new in 1.4.1:
- New Find Retweeters action available from detailed tweet view
- Muted user filters now supported for home timeline, mentions, and lists
- New Filter Scope settings
- New Location Precision setting
- Compose view now uses dark background for Blackboard theme
- Favstar link action available in profile view
- Image uploading support for Twitgoo and TwitrPix
- Inline image support for Twitgoo, TwitrPix, and twipl
- Support for $symbol financial symbol links
- Hashtag links now support international characters
- Trailing space auto-added after mentions and hashtags in compose view
- Improved scrolling performance for lists of users
- Improved performance adding new tweets to timelines
- Reply All now supported for retweets
- Emailed tweets now include link to tweet
- Enabled posting long tweets from protected accounts
- Enabled muting of retweets by username or retweeter name
Bug fixes
- Fixed UI interruption during drop-down banner animation
- Fixed problem where timeline may scroll to top after pull-down refresh
- Fixed problem detecting timeline gaps
- Fixed misordered recent hashtags after restarting app
- Fixed problem where auto-geotagging was unnecessarily started when composing DMs
- Fixed problem displaying conversations for retweets
- Fixed problems with some actions invoked on retweets
- Fixed problem displaying some inline images on retweets
- Fixed search results to use hi-res profile images for Retina display
- Fixed memory leak related to timeline views
Tweetlogix 1.4 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 1.4 is available now in the App Store. We have a new Tweetlogix icon! Thanks to Elixir Graphics for creating this outstanding 3D puzzle icon. See it in their portfolio.
Thanks to all the Tweetlogix beta testers who have been busily testing the 1.4 release over the past two weeks. Your feedback has been super helpful!
New Features and Improvements
- Inline conversations within detailed tweet view
- Inline Instagram photo previews
- Twitter People Search available in all search boxes and Contacts view
- Support for Instapaper and Google Mobilizer
- New web view toolbar action to adjust mobilizer settings
- New settings for account configuration
- Video upload to Posterous
- Full support for right-to-left and BIDI text
- Improved timeline scrolling performance
- Place descriptions shown in tweets
- Geotagging accuracy shown in Compose view beside pin
- Tap pin in Compose to view location on map
- Auto unwrapping of shortened image and video links
- New font settings for enabling bold links and titles
- Smaller timeline font size selections
- New setting for detailed tweet font size
- New setting for tweet line spacing
- New theme setting for pinstripe or textured background
- New setting for preferred long tweet service
- Removed confirmation when adding new favorites
- Hashtags typed in Compose view automatically added to recent list
- Drop-down banners now supported in Compose view
- Sending new DM from message view now opens full Contacts view
- To ensure privacy, posting to Twitlonger and twtmore is no longer supported for Direct Messages or from protected accounts
Bug Fixes
- Fixed possible crash when closing Compose view
- Fixed problem with unreliable geotagging
- Fixed delay navigating back to previous views
- Fixed sluggish behavior changing tabs
- Fixed problem opening some app store links
- Fixed problem shortening URLs with nested http references
- Fixed detailed tweet view to allow long tweet expansion of any length
- Fixed inline expansion for retweets
- Fixed problem removing previously deleted DMs

Tweetlogix 1.3.2 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 1.3.2 is available now in the App Store. Thanks to everyone who has sent us feedback.
New Features and Improvements
- Double-tap navigation title bar to easily return to home timeline
- Nearby search now offers list view and auto recall of map/list selection
- New setting to enable auto expansion of twtmore or TwitLonger tweets
- New setting to enable auto geotagging when composing new tweets
- Shortcut buttons for adding @ or # characters in compose view
- New action to tweet search text from all search timeline views
- Product info view now offers an action to follow us @tweetlogix
Bug Fixes
- Fixed problem where posting new tweet could create erroneous gap and duplicate tweet
- Fixed crash when marking messages or mentions read with iOS 4.1 or older
- Fixed geotag button to properly stop an active location search
- Fixed layout issues when in-call status bar is active
- Fixed missing read later button for some retweets
Tweetlogix 1.3.1 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 1.3.1 is available now in the App Store. Thanks to everyone who has sent us feedback this year. We wish you a happy holiday and new year!
New Features and Improvements
- New action to mark all messages/mentions read by double-tabbing tab
- Changed pulldown Refresh All to perform a normal refresh of Timeline, Messages, and Mentions in one action.
- Improved geotagging to offer options for approximate or 1 km search
- Increased contacts capacity to 3000 users
- Improved scrolling performance with absolute and mixed date formats
- Revised app icon color scheme
Bug fixes
- Fixed scrolling issue with saved searches
- Fixed incorrect table action in search view
- Fixed incorrect table cell height for some retweets
Tweetlogix 1.3 Available in App Store
Tweetlogix 1.3 is available now in the App Store. Thanks to everyone who has sent us feedback.
New Features and Improvements
- New Tweetlogix icon
- Profile editing and profile image uploading
- Direct message and DM conversation deletion
- Auto rotation settings
- Date format settings
- Compose font setting
- Timeline capacity setting
- Gap fill setting (upward or downward)
- Favorite action now uses outlined star icon if tweet is not favorited
- Compose view now inserts contacts & hashtags at cursor position
- Deleted tweets automatically removed from timeline
- Refresh All action added for direct messages
- Copy Link action added in web view
- Improved recent users view to only show users recently tapped in timelines
- Improved recent hashtags view to no longer include non-hashtag saved searches
- Clear action added to recent hashtags view
Bug Fixes
- Fixed problem causing timeline and mentions badge to be reset after memory warning
- Fixed problem where geo-tagged tweets may have inaccurate locations
- Fixed problem where some user mentions were not shown as links
- Fixed error reporting when Twitter service is unavailable
- Fixed error when scrolling to end of search timeline